Skill: One-Handed
Accuracy Stat: Perception
Damage Stat: Might
While not the best weapon, the vibroblade's mass production makes it readily available. The weapon does offer some utility with the ability to inflict bleed, the reliance on Perception and Might make it somewhat difficult to build around, considering it offers little damage or utility compared to even its fellow one-handed weapons to alleviate this. Still, with its simplicity and ready availability it can be considered dependable if nothing else.
You can find Vibroblade perks here!
Item Name/Level/Slots | Components | Requirements | Properties |
Basic Longsword Lvl 4 1x Enhancement Slot |
3x Refined Veldite 2x Wood |
One-Handed Blueprints Lvl 1 |
DMG Physical: 6 Use Limitation: Perk: Vibroblade Proficiency 1 |
Titan Longsword Lvl 14 2x Enhancement Slot |
3x Refined Scordspar 2x Fine Wood |
One-Handed Blueprints Lvl 2 |
DMG Physical: 10 Use Limitation: Perk: Vibroblade Proficiency 2 |
Sith Longsword Lvl 18 1x Enhancement Slot |
5x Refined Scordspar 3x Fine wood |
One-Handed Blueprints lvl 2 |
Accuracy Bonus: +1 Attack: 1 DMG Physical: 11 Use Limitation: Perk: Vibrorblade Proficiency 2 |
Delta Longsword Lvl 24 2x Enhancement Slot |
3x Refined Plagionite 2x Ancietn Wood |
One-Handed Blueprints Lvl 3 |
DMG Physical: 15 Use Limitation: Perk: Vibroblade Proficiency 3 |
Proto Longsword Lvl 34 2x Enhancement Slot |
3x Refined Keromber 2x Aracia Wood |
One-Handed Blueprints Lvl 4 |
DMG Physical: 19 Use Limitation: Perk: Vibroblade Proficiency 4 |
Ophidian Longsword Lvl 44 2x Enhancement Slot |
3x Refined Jasioclase 2x Hyphae wood |
One-Handed Blueprints Lvl 5 |
DMG Physical: 24 Use Limitation: Perk: Vibroblade Proficiency 5 |
Chiro Longsword Lvl 52 2x Enhancement Slot |
2x Refined Arkoxit 10x Refined Jasioclase 20x Hyphae Wood 2x Chiro Shard 5x Refined Veldite 5x Refined Scordspar 5x Refined Plagionite 5x Refined Keromber |
One-Handed Blueprints Lvl 5 Must Be Learned |
DMG Physical: 28 Use Limitation: Perk: Vibrolade Proficiency 5 |