The Republic Navy is a massive, galaxy-wide organization responsible for the defense of the Republic. With countless millions of worlds within its borders, the Navy by necessity must dispatch fleets equally numerous to ensure its interests, borders and supply lines are maintained. Once the Navy was a monstrously powerful force in the galaxy, though a bloody string of conflicts, most recently the Mandalorian Wars, has left it a shadow of its past glory. Heavy losses, along with the majority of its warships and personnel defecting to join Revan's Sith Empire has meant that man- and fleet-power is difficult to expend except on the most important of objectives.
As a result, there is a growing sentiment across less densely populated worlds in the Republic that the Senate does not care for them, as they are left largely to fend for themselves against Darth Revan's and now Darth Malak's invasions. The sad truth many in Naval Command face is that when you have one world with 100 billion lives and another with perhaps 100 thousand or even a few million, you have no choice but to ensure the city-world is protected.
As such, most worlds across the Republic do not enjoy much in the way of permanent naval protection, and instead rely on infrequent patrols by lighter, faster warships who can cover wide swathes of territory in a timely manner - and hopefully call for back-up before an invasion force arrives on target.
To most on these frontiers, where the Republic has only an infrequent presence, it appears weak and negligent to its people. Yet to visit a world such as Taris, Mon Cala or Coruscant is to see the Republic as it once was. Massive battlefleets sporting the finest hardware, and armies of troopers millions strong stand ready to defend these worlds. No expense is spared as the Republic scrambles to recoup its losses from the Mandalorian Wars and Darth Revan's betrayal.
The question is if the Republic can recoup its strength before too much of its territory is lost, and its once prosperous city worlds wither and die without the support of their supply lines.
The Republic is chiefly concerned with slowing (or better yet halting) Sith advances in the Mid- and Outer-Rim, especially anything that may hint at sabotage of the various city-worlds and sector capitals scattered across Republic space. The Empire's assault seems an impossible foe to many, so any targets of opportunity to weaken the overall advance are eagerly exploited by Republic Command, though at times they are held back by a highly conservative Senate who is most concerned about the wellbeing of the capital worlds (which they live on).
The Republic's main limiting factors right now is a lack of experienced officers, as the vast majority of their command structure defected to form the Sith Empire, as well as a general lack of worthy vessels. Many of its officers are young, inexperienced, and entirely too bold at all the wrong times. A consequence of having been without the bulk of its fleets is that Republic supply lines are stretched thin, and the hyperlanes are far less safe than they used to be, with pirates everywhere.
In general, the Republic will seek to
On SWLOR, most of the time the players will be operating in regions of space where the Republic is weak. A notable exception is Mon Cala, which would have a sizeable defensive fleet protecting its shipyards. Beyond that, however, Viscara has a small defensive fleet led by Captain Thornton, which is the dominant naval force in the system. Outpost Hope is also a small listening post in the mountains of Viscara, which has had to double as a local garrison to reinforce nearby systems as the Mytaranor Sector becomes more and more the front line of this war.
As a result, Outpost Hope sports a robust shield array, a sizeable garrison and even training grounds and facilities for Havoc Squad, the local special forces outfit. The war has also necessitated an extensive medical facility and landing pads. Those walking the mountains of Viscara often see low flying Aurek Strikefighters passing overhead as they scout for signs of Sith infiltrators and camps.
Further, the Republic has some access to the dockyards of CZ-220, which is useful in refueling and repairing their fleet, though generally in the aftermath of battle their ships venture to Mon Cala if able.
A member of the Republic Navy is expected to:
The vast majority of worlds commonly referenced in Star Wars lore are Republic worlds. A notable exception to this is Corellia, which is under Imperial control.
Of the planets able to be visited, the following are Republic worlds
Perhaps more will join the Republic or be liberated from the Empire by your actions?
Admiral Forn Dodonna
When it comes to coordinating the Jedi and Republic on Viscara with other frontlines of strategic interest, such as Corellia, the duty falls upon Admiral Dodonna. She holds overall command, and works tirelessly to ensure that the Republic would not fall before the Sith Empire.
Rear Admiral Willem Drastus
Leader of the Taris defensive fleets, a sizeable reserve force responsible for managing reserve forces in the Ojoster Sector. As a consequence of managing reserve forces, this relatively young admiral with lofty career ambitions and a bone to pick with the Sith Empire struggles against his rather safe, sedentary posting. He's come under criticism by the local senator for investing valuable fleet resources into combating Sith incursions in nearby systems and sectors to defend or liberate low priority targets, including Mytaranor. Under his command is a robust weapons testing facility, some of the prototypes developed there being seen on Captain Thornton's small defensive fleet.
Captain Tyche Vanicus
Tyche is the son of a highly decorated fleet admiral, Orley Vanicus. There are rumours that he only obtained his position due to his father's influence, and that he is more of a politician than a soldier. He is witty and careful, but carries a certain gentle nature that breaks from his stern father's. He has overall command over the garrison on Viscara, and also holds a honorary seat on the Veles council.
Captain Arden Thornton
Thornton commands the cruiser squadron that orbits Viscara, and ensures that the Republic maintains a sizeable naval presence in space. When Captain Vanicus becomes too embroiled in political affairs on Veles, it is Thornton who steps in. The two are said to have a working and amicable friendship, and has shared command on multiple instances, with Captain Thornton also directing efforts by the Viscaran special forces. His ship, the RNS Javelin, is of a peculiar configuration. To compliment its role as a more stationary defender of Viscara it has received a refit from Rear Admiral Drastus, sporting an enormous cannon capable of tearing warships apart with a single shot or neutralizing even shielded ground targets, and in recent months his fleet has proven a match for heavier ships like Interdictors.
Lieutenant Marbury Grant
Cresh Company Grant is the newly promoted commanding officer of Cresh Company, a holding company for all new enlistees under the Special Forces Scheme. He oversees them, their conduct, takes reports from them, and eventually recommends them for transfer to a new or existing special forces squad. Dealing with usually incredibly individualistic and sometimes overly arrogant individuals, he can come off stern and no-nonsense, and would not hesitate to recommend a discharge for those who fail to comport themselves with the rules and dignity as befitting a soldier of the Republic.
Master Sergeant Saho Naiskor
Randon Training Corps M.Sgt Naiskor is the liaison between Randon and Viscara's training corps. As Viscara is too small to maintain certain dedicated training facilities and other such bases, there are times when those who are pursuing specialized skills and expertise, especially those in the Republic's special squads, may require training which are extraordinary. When it comes to providing such training, it is the Master Sergeant that those on Viscara need turn to, and it is he who would make the necessary arrangements between the special forces and other learned trainers and contractors. Clear Sky Clear Sky is a shadowy Republic intelligence agent that holds an enigmatic rank amongst the Strategic Information Service of the Republic. He appears assigned to the Viscaran region, and sometimes coordinate efforts between Viscara and other frontlines.
Bernie Barik
Bernie is the Mon Cal Consulate's Head of Security and little is known of him. He occasionally visits Viscara, and is believed to be involved in far more than merely diplomatic efforts.