Originating on the planet of Mandalore in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, the Mandalorians' way of life revolved around honor and war, being led by a sole ruler known as the Mand'alor, whose Protectors established a balance of control in the Mandalorians' warrior clan society. As a result of their warrior culture, the Mandalorians launched several wars of expansion by the time of the Old Republic-era, colonizing nearby worlds such as Krownest, Ordo, and Concord Dawn, successfully establishing their own sector, known as Mandalorian Space.
Mandalorian clan structure was like a pyramid, with the ruler, or Mand'alor, at the top and the Mandalorian Protectors enforcing their rule. Below them were the political factions known as houses, which were made up of family clans. Up until the year 3996 BBY, the Mandalorians were all members of the Taung species with those they conquered claimed as vassal states. However, the second vision on Shogun by Mandalore the Ultimate took place between 3996 and 3976 BBY, after which non-Taung species could join the Mandalorian clans, as long as they proved themselves worthy in combat and swore to uphold the tenets of the Resol'nare.
The Mandalorian Wars was the term given to the sixteen years of conflict between the Mandalorian warrior culture and the Galactic Republic that began in 3976 BBY with the Battle of Althir. It came to a climatic end at the Battle of Malachor V in 3960 BBY, in which Revan slew Mandalore the Ultimate.
Now, the Mandalorians clans are scattered throughout the galaxy and slowly picking up the pieces. With the Wars ended a mere 3 years ago, their presence is often unwelcome but always feared or respected.
It is, and shall always be ruled that retired clans shall not be reformed, rejoined, or modified in any way by players or Dungeon Masters. Currently there is only one retired clan: