SWLOR offers players the ability to purchase and build, manage, and maintain their own properties throughout the game world. You're able to decorate these different properties as you see fit and gain the bonuses they provide.
This page is intended to give you general insight into how the system works. It's not intended to be all-inclusive - some things are better discovered on your own!
Apartments - These are standalone units you can rent inside NPC cities, such as Veles Colony. Apartments require an upfront fee for purchase and have an ongoing lease fees which are charged at a daily rate. Leases may be paid up to 30 days in advance. If the apartment goes unpaid for longer than this period, it will be permanently lost and all structures and items inside will be destroyed.
Starships - These are mobile properties which can be used to engage in space gameplay. Up to ten starships may be registered under your name at NPC or PC starports. They can only be accessed if you are at the location in which they are docked.
Structures - “Structure” is a general term given to various objects. These can be tables, chairs, or entire buildings. They're able to be rotated and moved within the game world provided you have sufficient permissions.
Buildings - These are structures located within a city which can be entered by players who have permission. Most buildings are permanently “public” which means anyone may enter them. Other buildings are customizable and their public setting can be configured.
Cities - If a city hall is placed within a claimable area, a city will be formed. The person who placed the city hall will become the mayor of the city and be able to place additional buildings, adjust permissions, and participate in elections. See the “Cities” section for more detail.
City Hall - This is the “brains” of a city and must always be the first building placed in order to start it. Inside city hall you will find two types of terminals: Citizenship Terminals and City Management Terminals. The Citizenship Terminals will allow you to view city details, such as tax rates and citizen count, and allow you to become a citizen. See the “Citizenship” section for more detail.
Bank - Banks are useful for providing item storage to your citizens. The number of items which can be stored starts at 40 and can be increased by purchasing upgrades for the city. At max upgrades, the item cap is 120 items.
Medical Center - Medical centers provide bonuses to reduce the penalties received when citizens die. The mayor must purchase upgrades to enact this benefit.
Starport- Starports provide starship services for your citizens. This allows them to use quick transportation between major NPC planets. Once a starport has been placed, it will be shown in the list of landing destinations when a player accesses the dock point for the planet. Upgrades to this type of structure reduce ship repair prices.
Cantina - Social gathering spots for players. Upgrades to this type of structure increases the amount of Roleplay XP gained by players and reduces the RP XP price for training terminal items.
House - Homes which can be used as residences for your citizens. They offer item storage which can be increased by placing furniture within the property.
Various permissions can be assigned to other players to help you manage your properties more efficiently. Please be careful and only give permissions to those people you trust. The mayor is able to give the “grant” permission to other players. This “grant” permission will allow the player to give permissions to anyone else. In this way, it's possible for you to delegate responsibility as mayor.
Note that available permissions depend on the type of property.
Edit Categories - Can create or delete item categories. Used with item storage inside properties.
Edit Structures - Can place structures and edit their details.
Retrieve Structures - Can pick up structures that have already been placed.
Rename Property - Can rename the property.
Access Storage - Can access item storage.
Extend Lease - Can pay for lease extensions on apartments.
Cancel Lease - Can cancel a lease for an apartment.
Enter Property - Can enter the property. Note that if a property is selected to be “Public”, it will override this permission.
Pilot Ship - Can pilot a starship property.
Change Description - Can change a property's description.
Refit Ship - Can refit a starship.
Edit Taxes - Can edit taxes for the entire city.
Access Treasury - Can withdraw/deposit credits into the city's treasury.
Manage Upgrades - Can purchase city upgrades with treasury money.
Cities are large scale properties which have unique mechanics. As mentioned previously, a city is formed as soon as a city hall is placed. The player placing the city hall will immediately become the mayor and responsible for all of the inner workings of their city.
Requirements for placing a city hall are as follows:
There must not be another city within the area. (Only one city per claimable area)
The player must have at least rank 1 of the “City Management” perk in the Leadership skill line.
The player must not be a citizen of another city.
100,000 credits in the player's inventory
A minimum of five players must declare citizenship to the city within 18 hours of city hall being placed. Failure to do so will result in the city being destroyed upon the next server restart.
Mayors are the central figurehead of a city. They are responsible for placing buildings, issuing permissions, performing city upgrades, assigning taxes, paying upkeep, and more. It's a very important role and one which is subject to public scrutiny. Think very carefully before you choose to take on this role. Cities are expensive beasts and managing one isn't for the faint of heart.
Once a city is placed, the mayor will be responsible for paying upkeep on the city and all its structures. Each week (based on the time when the city hall was placed), upkeep will be calculated. This amount is determined by the structures placed and the upgrades purchased for your city.
In the event the maintenance fees are not paid, certain city services will be disabled. Failure to pay your maintenance in full for 30 days will result in the permanent destruction of your city upon the next server restart.
City prices are as follows:
Base price: 35,000
Each upgraded building type costs an additional 10,000.
City level 3
Cantinas upgraded to level 3
Banks upgraded to level 2
The final price will be: 35,000 + 20,000 + 10,000 = 65,000 per week
Players may become citizens of player cities. This grants them access to various city services and the ability to be granted permissions by the mayor. Citizens are allowed to participate in elections and even run for mayor themselves! The following requirements must be met in order to become a citizen.
The character must be at least 30 days old.
The character must have earned at least 100 skill ranks.
The character must not be a citizen of another city.
5000 credits in the character's inventory (This is paid to the planetary government - not the city owner)
Cities must always have a minimum of five citizens. If the city falls below this amount at any point, the mayor will have 18 hours to rectify the situation. Failure to do so after this grace period will result in the city being destroyed upon the next server restart.
Every three weeks a new election cycle will begin. The first two weeks of this cycle are used for candidate registration. Anyone interested in running for mayor of the city can register at the Citizenship Terminal within City Hall. The mayor of the city is also required to enter the race each election cycle - it is NOT automatic.
The last week of the election is used to cast votes for your candidate. Votes are counted based on CD Key. If you have two characters who are citizens of the same city, only your last vote will count.
You may change your vote as many times as you'd like during the last week of the election.
The election results will be tallied during the next automatic server restart after the election window is over. The winner of the election will immediately assume the role as mayor and the incumbent mayor will lose all permissions, but still remain a citizen.
Some special notes to consider with regards to elections:
If no one runs for mayor, the incumbent mayor will retain power.
If there is a tie, the incumbent mayor will retain power. This is true even if the mayor has fewer votes than the tied candidates.
Rank 1 of the “City Management” perk is required to enter the race as a candidate.
A city's level determines available services, upgrades, and various other bonuses. The level is based upon the number of citizens and is calculated once per week during the upkeep phase. City levels may decrease if the number of citizens falls below the required amount.
The following table describes the requirements for each level.
Anyone with the “Manage Upgrades” permission can purchase upgrades for the city using treasury money. These upgrades are permanent bonuses applied to all citizens and increase the weekly upkeep cost of a city.
Available upgrades include:
Banks - Storage cap for every citizen's bank increases by 20 items per level
Medical Centers - Reduces XP debt on death by 5% per level
Starports - Reduces repair price of starships by 5% per level
Cantinas - Increases roleplay XP by 5% per level and reduces the RPXP price of training terminal items by 10% per level.
Note that any upgrades purchased will reduce to the city's level in the event the city level decreases.